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Live life on your terms

Do you ever...


Live your parents life instead of yours?

"Compare yourself to others constantly?" - joyless asian girl looking at mirror
"What if you compared yourself to you?" - Happy asian boy smiling

Live your parents life instead of yours?

"Live your parent's life instead of yours?" - Sad asian girl crying
"What if you lived for YOU instead?" - Asian girl embracing freedom

Live your parents life instead of yours?

"Worry that you will fail in whatever you do??" - asian young adult drowning
"What if failure was great?" - Happy asian young adult sitting down smiling

Live your parents life instead of yours?

"Feel that you're never good enough??" - Sad asian girl lying in bed without emotion
"What if you were always good enough?" - Happy asian young adult male smiling

Live your parents life instead of yours?

"Always put others first before yourself??" - Sad asian girl being consumed by hands
WWhat if you prioritised yourself??" -Happy asian young adult working out in gym

Live your parents life instead of yours?

"Think that you are unloveable?" - Sad asian girl crying in bed and ashamed
"What if you actually loved yourself?" - Happy asian young adult laughing with hands


How I want to help you

If you're feeling stuck in life, let's chat to see how we can overcome any fears or limitations that may be holding you back from living life on your own terms. 

30 Mins | FREE

1 Hour | $200

If you're ready to live life with complete passion and purpose. THIS IS IT.

100% Money-back Guarantee if the coaching session did not help you at all. 



Happy asian young adult who found their purpose
"From the life coaching sessions, I was able to gain clarity in my purpose and how I could become the person I truly want to be. I found that there was exponential growth in understanding myself and being able to implement practical changes in my daily life as I had someone pushing me to be better. John’s ability to be personable, encouraging and thought-provoking truly brought out the best in me."

Christopher H, Pharmacist & Business Owner

WHo is this guy?

Hello everyone! If you have stumbled on this page from a friend or you just are having a quick browse, I want to thank you for taking your time first and foremost for showing up on here! Coming from a migrant Vietnamese family, I grew up with the blessings as well as struggles of having Asian parents that showed their love in quite unique ways. Throughout my life I discovered that it was from those moments and interactions I had with my family that really shaped who I am now. From  the constant comparison to my cousins, to the dissatisfaction of my grades, I know these experiences gave me limiting beliefs of who I could become. My hope with The Purpose Coach is to help other Young Adults discover the passion and purpose that lies within them, that may have been buried due to the fears we don't realise are influencing us right now. I'm dedicated and committed to helping as many of you come to realise the greatness in YOU. I hope you are ready to see what your life could be like if its lived with YOUR PASSION & PURPOSE every single day.

The Purpose Coach John Nguyen
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